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Wes Hall
317-392-2551, 3001
Rex Olds
Assistant Principal
317-392-2551, 3000
Nicci Sargent
Assistant Principal
317-392-2551, 3000
Zach Stevenson
Athletic Director/Dean of Students
317-392-2551; 3012
Jordan Thurston
317-392-2551, 3021
Joleen Lancaster
Counselor A-I
317-392-2551, 3004
Derek Heim
Counselor J-R
317-392-2551, 3006
Katie Beyer
Counselor S-Z
317-392-2551, 3005
Ashley Comstock
317-392-2551, 3001
Karen Ragin
317-392-2551, 3002
Cathy Samaras
Guidance Secretary
317-392-2551, 3003
Bethany Marell
Head Custodian
317-392-2551, 3060
Howard Carter
8th Science
Chelsea Caldwell
6th Language Arts